Sales Performance Workbook
Maximising your sales performance uplift
SSA users have reported sales uplifts ranging from 10 to 15%. Imagine what a difference this would make to your organisation? However, the exact uplift percentage will be proportionate to your planning and management of the programme. The same applies for sustainability of the uplift too.
Our 'Sales Performance Workbook' is a spreadsheet that you can download and populate, modify or copy. It has multiple uses:
Maximising sales uplift
Documentation of required actions per sales executive assessed
Building a map of your organisation's sales performance vs trainable selling skills levels
Getting clarity on the reasons behind poor sales performance
Presentation to your 'C suite' of the importance of continued L&D for sales professionals
Documentation of precise ROI for sales assessment & sales training programmes
Archiving for historical reference and documenting progress every 12 months.

Click here to download your own copy of the Sales Performance Workbook.